
J-Blind Man's AI Spirit Bomb

🌟 Welcome My Name Is Japan Sensei! 🌟 I am completely blind, and throughout my life, I’ve taken on various challenges to expand the possibilities for people with visual impairments. 📚 As an educator, I have shared knowledge; 🎧 as a DJ, I have connected with people through music; and 🏅 as a para-athlete, I have pushed my limits on Japanese and global stages. Now, with the spread of AI, new opportunities are opening for people with disabilities. 🤖✨ This channel is part of that journey—a place where I can turn my dreams into reality. I hope it leads to a future where those with physical disabilities have more career choices. 🌈 🙏 Please lend your support and help create this future together! 🌟 「ようこそ! 🌟 私は全盲、視覚障害者の可能性を広げるための挑戦をしてきました。📚 教育者として学びを届け、🎧 DJとして音楽でつながりを作り、🏅 パラアスリートとして限界に挑んできました。そんな経験を日本と世界の舞台で積み重ねてきたんです。 今、AIが普及し、障害者に新しい可能性が広がっています。🤖✨ このチャンネルもその挑戦の一つで、夢を形にする場です。 🙏 応援して一緒にその未来を作りましょう! https://www.paralympic.org/news/takamura-s-goals-worlds-go-beyond-tracks


Latest Video

Latest Videos

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Special Blind DJ’s Parade Mix 🎧 SunoAI V4 Funky R&B Happy Blend Magical Lo-Fi #Club #scratch
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Special Blind DJ’s Samurai Vibes Mix🎧 SunoAI V4 Lo-Fi Chill Music for New Year 2025 #magic
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Relax Lofi Mix
Dj Blind Mix
SunoAI 解説